Life on Other Planets

Theories on Extraterrestrial Life

Today, extraterrestrial life is so sensationalized that at times it is very hard to identify what is truly evidence or just made up fictional stories. Does extraterrestrial life really exist? Let us study the following two theories regarding this life’s existence. […]

Alien Abductions Stories

Alien Abductions in Australia: The Kelly Cahill Story

In a recent UFO sighting in China just this past July, a floating object resembling a spacecraft emitted a bright streak of light illuminating the skies like a row of stage lights. These lights are common in alien abduction scenes from alien movies whereby a spacecraft produces light to make a bridge from the spaceship to the land to take something. Assuming that the object seen in China was a real spacecraft, the question now would be was the light used as a means of departure or ascension? Could it possibly have been used for actual alien abductions? […]

UFO sightings
Aliens Exist

The Unexplained Phenomena of UFO Sightings & Alien Abductions

When thinking about incidents of unexplained phenomena such as UFO sightings or alien abductions, it seems that there is an increase in the frequency of consciousness that may allow people to see things that may not have otherwise been there. As people rise from one level of awareness to another, these sightings will become more prevalent, and with modern photographic gizmos being readily available, photographs and videos can actually be produced of this phenomenon. In a majority of the cases, UFO sightings usually happen under the cover of darkness, and that is the reason why most pictures that are taken are never as clear as they could possibly be if done in daylight. […]

UFO Sightings

Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission on Denver Ballot Denied by Voters

At a time when hundreds of retired and ex-military are stepping forward with testimonies and evidence concerning everything from alien visits to earth to UFO crashes and even extraterrestrials monitoring our nuclear sites, it seems quite appropriate to consider that states and cities may need to take investigating this phenomenon into their own hands. While the loss was great in Denver this time, the fact that UFOs and extraterrestrials are visiting our planet is becoming more evident as proof from well-respected individuals continues to mount. The American public is increasingly becoming more aware that something is going on, and initiatives such as Denver’s will help bring this important information to the forefront. […]

Life on other planets
Life on Other Planets

Life on Other Planets

Whether or not there is life on other planets is a controversial topic that has been considered by almost everyone at one point in time or another. Astronomers, philosophers, and everyday people have contemplated whether our planet is the only one that sustains life. After hundreds of years of scientific discovery and technological advancement, other planets that seem capable of sustaining the same life as earth have been discovered. Space organizations like NASA continue to make strides toward the possible exploration and even future colonization of these planets. Yet evidence of life on other planets continues to elude us. […]

UFO Sighting
UFO Sightings

UFO Sightings Began as Early as the 17th Century

UFO Sightings were recorded in ancient cave drawings from as far back as 8000 B.C.E., but actual documented evidence did not truly begin until the 1600s. In our modern age when people talk about UFO sightings, most will pretty much relate these objects with alien visitors to this planet rather than just mysterious lights in the sky or government spy planes. […]

Aliens Exist

UFO Sightings and Aliens Exist Cover-up Exposed

But the whole situation is we’ve sat back. We’ve told the American people that there’s no such thing as UFOs. I’ve been involved where we have recovered these objects. We know them to be of extraterrestrials. I know we’re not alone in the universe. I know that the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence, its evidence that has been denied to the American people.

Aliens Exist - The Reptilians
Aliens Exist

Aliens Exist Study #2 – The Reptilians

In our first aliens exist study #1, the Grey Alien species was discussed. Another well known alien race is the Reptilian alien otherwise known as Reptilians. Alien enthusiasts theorize that there are two forms of this species. One form of Reptilian has resided on Planet Earth since ancient times living in underground dwellings and cave systems throughout the world. For clarity, this Reptilian is also called a Reptoid to differentiate from the other species of Reptilian that comes from the constellation Draco and is hostile to the inhabitants of our planet. […]

grey aliens exist
Aliens Exist

Aliens Exist Study #1 – The Grey Alien

The Grey alien is probably one of the better known alien types due to the fact that most abductee reports contain similar information describing their characteristics. Also, Sci Fi books and movies pretty much use this alien for characters viewed by the general public so we’ve all become very familiar with them. […]

Alien Abduction news
Alien Abductions Stories

Have you been Abducted by Aliens?

With the hundreds and thousands of people who have experienced some sort of sighting or encounter, it is hard to dismiss the claims of alien abductions as just a fantasy or illness. There seems to be compelling evidence that our planet is being visited by alien beings, and these beings are interacting with our society frequently. […]