Are Aliens Real? Alien Encounter of Helen and Betty Mitchell
by alienabductions1 in Aliens Exist 3
Alien Abductions Stories

Missing Time – UFO Alien Abductions
[ad_1] Missing time is a contentious occurrence told by some individuals in junction with close encounters amid UFOs and alien abduction phenomena. The expression “missing time” concerns a void in conscious recollection recounting a precise […]

Alien Abduction is the Ultimate Close Encounter of the Third Kind
We discovered this article that we think you’ll find interesting Alien abduction is the ultimate close enounter of the third kind Is Alien Abduction Just The Next Step In Our Connection With Aliens? Alien abduction […]
UFO Videos

5 Most Convincing UFO Sightings Caught on Camera
In this video, we take a look at five of the most convincing UFO sightings caught on camera. While there are many ridiculous and clearly fake videos out there, a number are very compelling and […]

UFO Overtakes Virgin Atlantic Plane Leaving JFK! LookNowTV UFO Video
UFO video footage shared by LookNowTV catches what appears to be a UFO overtaking a Virgin Atlantic Plane as it leaves JFK Airport in New York City. The strange flying phenomena speeds past the plane […]

UFO Sighting Deep in the Heart of Texas
Everything is bigger in the state of Texas or so native Texans like to say, and I would have to say that the stars definitely do shine big and bright deep in its heart especially […]